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Mental Health IsReal General Campaign

Mental Health IsReal General Campaign

Your generous tax deductible contribution empowers Mental Health IsReal (MHI) to continue its lifesaving work, ensuring that Jewish communities worldwide have access to essential mental and emotional healing resources at no cost. Your donation allows us to offer up to six free one on one virtual healing sessions with trauma specialists to Jews around the world, combating antisemitism and terror. In addition, your support allows us to empower wellness practitioners with trauma training to handle the current therapy burnout. All of these services are currently available on our website at, and are accessible to Jewish communities within Israel and the Diaspora.

Through your partnership, MHI is currently establishing branches of our work globally, leading in-person international community retreats and wellness training workshops, allowing us to expand our platform's reach and build the Jewish nation's resilience to overcome.

Total Raised
Organized by
Mental Health IsReal
Mental Health IsReal

on 10/15/2024, 4:45 PM (about 2 months ago)